g r e e n t e c h b i o

About Product


BANANA SPECIAL is a plant growth regulator especially made for Banana plants. It contains seaweed extracts, micro nutrients, macro nutrients, secondary nutrients, plant growth hormones, vitamins, minerals etc.,


  1. BANANA SPECIAL increases the ratio of photosynthesis in plants and also increases the size of the leaves.

  2. It increases the count and weight of pods.

  3. It regulates the fruits gallery and improves its quality.

  4. It prevents from the impact of diseases and improves the immunity of Banana plant.

  5. It helps to increase the root mass and root proliferations.

Usage quantity

For spraying mix 3ml – 5ml of Banana special with 1 litre of water.

For trenching mix 3 litre of Banana special with water

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