g r e e n t e c h b i o

About Product


Victa Plus is a naturally produced NPK fertilizer. This includes Humic, Balvic, Seaweed, Amino and other Nutrients also.


  1. Victa Plus is suitable for all weather conditions and all soil types.

2. Contains all types of micronutrients, primary and secondary nutrients to ensure plant growth consistently.

3. Reduces the cost of chemical fertilizers by up to 30 percent.

4. Balances the alkaline acidity of the soil.

5. Increases the number of cocoons and the thickness of milk, especially in coconuts.

6. Controls rotting and bud falling in short duration crops like Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal and Creeper crops

7. It is a suitable fertilizer for all types of crops.

Usage quantity

Short term crops – 200 kg to 300 kg (All Crops)

Long duration crops – coconut and betel – 2.5 to 3.00 kg / Per Plant

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