g r e e n t e c h b i o

About Product


GREEN RAPID is a liquid for market crops. It helps to increase yield in all climatic conditions.


  • Green Rapid balances nutrition of plants.

  • It promotes root growth and vigorous development of the buds, induces a greater flowering, promotes the pollination and fruit set of fruits, improves the quantity and quality of the harvest.

  • It is a nutrient – based bio stimulant which enhances crop performance by providing vigorous growth, yield, quality.

Usage quantity

For short duration crops use 2 to 3 ml can be mixed with 1 litre of water.

Other Liquid Products

Soil enricher

It is liquid extracted from seaweed. It enriches the soil and provides growth required for the plants.

Cardamom gold

Our cardamom gold is specially made for cardamom crops. It is the combination of humic, fulvic, amino acids


Our company’s Harima 6 is the best innovation to address Micro nutrient deficiency. It can be used for all crops

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